Jesus took on our likeness and therefore, can understand temptation. But like Jesus, we need to rely on ourselves and…
God forgives unconditionally. As we begin this season of Lent, let us be attentive to our need to forgive ourselves.
Jeremiah the prophet was tortured by the idea of preaching the Word of God. In our broken world, there is…
There is nothing as unhealthy as our own belief that we are not “good enough.” By entering into a communal…
St. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is a very familiar one. “Love is patient. Love is kind…” Sometimes when…
By our Baptism, we too are the “spoken word of God” made flesh, and we have the responsibility of preaching…
Did Jesus have to be baptized? What does it matter? Baptism matters to us because it is our gift of…
Every human person was saved by Christ and this Feast is meant t illustrate that. Who were these magi?
Christ came in the fullness of time…
Gratitude. This is an essential ingredient to our happiness and helpful in dealing with the challenges of mixed messages in…