Who can know the counsel of God? How could Jesus possibly want us to hate our mother and father?
The last shall be first and the first shall be last… Who wants to be last?
Mary’s uncorruped nature came from her unbending love of God and her willingness to always answer “YES!”
What does it mean to be “rich” in what matters to God?
Jesus gave us the Our Father to serve as a model for all of our prayer.
“Are you bragging, or complaining?” My Mom was a genius…
The message of Jesus in the parable of the Good Samaritan poses a very simple challenge to each of us…
What does “peace” mean to you? We must first seek inner peace and that is through the gift of God.
“Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to loose…” –Me and Bobby McGee
We can find it very difficult to believe that ordinary bread and wine can become the Body and Blood of…